The temperature in Denver hit below 0 last week but it did not stop our young Karate enthusiasts to pursue their way to "perfection of character".
We had close to 10 students came on the freezing Tuesday night.
Recently joined white belt students are learning Heian Shodan.
It is the first kata that all of the SHOTOKAN karate students learn as white belt.
We learn Step-in-punch on the first day too and surprisingly it is the most effective technique of all.
Front stance and step-in-punch, this very basic technique that we learn from the day-one in our long Karate life, is a key element of all of advanced techniques.
Keep heels down, toes straight to the target with the front knee deeply bent.
Why go low? Why straight?
That is because we are human, not a bird. We are stronger when we are close to the ground.
Karate is an art of distance and timing.
A straight punch executed from the closest possible distance is much stronger than any other
big techniques or kicks.
We are living in the era of technology--- we have to be multi-tasking just to live and a lot of
time that type of life makes us separate our mind from our body.
That is why we encourage our Karate students to focus on one single task during the training.
Because when our body and mind are united we can do most of the things we can imagine.